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Workshop Brain and Behavior on January 18, 2019

Dienstag, 11.12.2018

The goal of this workshop is to bridge the gap, that is, to bring together researchers from different faculties and universities.

You are all invited to submit suggestions for posters and talks. There will be a poster session and eight available slots for talks. It depends on the submissions, but we would give preference to talks that focus on collaborative projects, that is collaborations between universities or different faculties. We also welcome planning talks for new collaborations.

Your contributions are highly welcome!

There are no specific suggestions for posters: you can present your work or project plans.

Please send your suggestions for submissions (title of the poster or talk is sufficient) until the 17th of December 2018 to sieglinde.petzl(at)uni-graz.at

Workshop Brain and Behavior
18th of January, 10 am - 4:30 pm
HS 02.21 (Universitätsplatz 2, 2nd floor)
Workshop language: English


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